• Must Reads,  Who's Who

    20 Seasons: Broadway Musicals of the 21st Century

    Book by Amy S. Osatinski Intro note about why this is a must read etc etc… SYNOPSIS – This book is the first to comprehensively examine the musicals that premiered on Broadway during this important historical period, which was bookended by the 9/11 terrorist attacks on one end and the Coronavirus pandemic on the other. It begins by exploring the historical context for the first 20 years of the 21st century and how this impacted American culture and theatre. Rather than chronologically, the musicals are then organized into categories based on their source material and whether they were original musicals or revivals, painting a detailed picture of the Broadway musical…

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    Welcome to Stage Briefs!

    What is Stage Briefs? As a fellow theatre enthusiast, I’m thrilled to welcome you to Stage Briefs, where theatre-lovers and knowledge-seekers get “briefed” on everything from current shows to theatre history. I started this site to give readers a destination for theatre happenings and resources in “brief” form, providing recaps and snippets of the world of theatre, which will hopefully inspire readers to learn more and visit our favorite sites and blogs for even more detailed info! Each week, I’ll post Weekly Briefs – recapping news and events around the globe. Within Resources, I’ll update Broadway Briefs and Who’s Who regularly – so readers are constantly learning about need-to-know shows…

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